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The Fire

Find your own fire... it's vital. 

Everyone Needs a Coach

Bill Gates & Google's Eric Schmidt on why having a coach is key to everyone's success and happiness.


Ecstatic Dancer, A.

"It's amazing. I can't believe how good I felt. I'd never done anything like it before and what was amazing was that it was so easy, once I relaxed into it I had so much fun and afterwards I felt simply incredible. Everyone should do it!"  First time dancer, November 2014.

Ecstatic Dancer, E.

"I really love Ecstatic Dance. I love the way you can just close your eyes, lose yourself in the music and dance in a way you just don't ususally dance! I love the music in Ruth's class and the way she welcomes everyone. It's such a treat to have it in Bournemouth." Regular dancer, December 2014. 

Coaching Individual

"I decided to have coaching to help me choose which work direction to go in. I had so many ideas but I couldn't seem to put any of them into reality. I found through having just a few coaching sessions that I realised so much about myself and the way I think and do things, and through getting a deeper understanding of this I could see what I really needed to do. Ruth was kind, supportive, understanding and appropriately challenging! I am very grateful for the experience and the changes it has made. C, London, 2013.

Dance Changed My Life

Inspiring movement, music and dance bringing good things to the world... 

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