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Having a life coach is no longer a luxury. In this fast-paced, time-precious, complex modern society, life can be confusing! It's easy to lose track of who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to achieve for yourself and those around you.


It's true that your family and friends form a signifcant aspect of your happiness... what a life coach adds is a unique value and perspective that helps you access your true feelings, unjudged by the values and views of another. When you understand and feel who you truly are, it becomes much easier to figure out how you'd like to live and which direction will bring you life satifaction and happiness. Life coaching can assist you to:


  • make positive changes in your life

  • improve personal and/or business relationships

  • create more balance and harmony within and around you

  • overcome limiting self beliefs and behavior

  • create more fun and pleasure in your life

  • find and live your true purpose

  • create clarity and plan towards achieving your goals

  • have fulfillment at work and in your life overall

  • manage your money to bring about more abundance 

  • keep on track with existing goals, plans or projects


Contact Ruth for a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION (phone or skype) or to discuss how coaching can help you.



Contact Ruth for a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION! 


Kick your motivation into touch and get clear on what you want to achieve in life. Great for creating a positive boost. A 2hr session plus email support for a month. £99.


Shift that project or aim and give yourself the gift of achievement! A new job, relationship, weight or lifestyle change is possible in this powerful six week programme. £350.


Find the TRUE YOU and live a life that matches your dreams. It is possible and within reach to lead a healthy, happy, inspiring life. Year long programme. £60 per month.

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