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2 april APRIL FOOLS 

"We're all fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance" - a wonderful Japanese proverb and motto for the month! It's been proven time and time again that dancing is good for you. It increases energy and seratonin levels, releases stresses and tensions from your mind and body, strengthens bones, improves cardiovascular health and stimulates cognition... all of which makes us healthier and happier human beings, simple! So dance... in your kitchen, in the shower, while you're hoovering, down the street if you dare... and come join us on Friday 10 April, 8pm, Our Lady Queen of Peace, 18 Douglas Road, Southbourne for April's Ecstatic Dance, you'd be foolish not to :)


The sun is out, the sky is blue, there's nothing else, for me to do... but dance! Well, it's always dance-time in my world but this weather does bring an extra skip to one's step. Today has been filled with sunshine and blue skies, a taste of summer that brings relief to our bones and smiles to our faces. But why wait for our elusive British sunshine? Such sweet relief is there for us all year round through the warming joy of dance. Some exciting dates are appearing in the diary for this summer's Living Ecstatic dance events so watch this space and in the meantime, flick on your favourite tune, turn it up, and dance it out! 



Friday 8-10pm

18 Douglas Rd,



"We have come to be danced. Not the pretty dance, not the pretty pretty 'pick me' dance 

But the claw-our-way-back-into-the-belly-of-the-sacred-sensual-animal dance

The unhinged, unplugged, cat-is-out-of-the-box dance

The holding the precious moment in the palms of our hands and feet dance...

We have come to be danced. Not the hold our breath and wallow in the shallow end of the floor dance
But the meeting of the trinity, the body breath and beat dance
The shout hallelujah from the top of our thighs dance..." 


Jewel Mathieson's beautiful words hit the spot for me (excerpt above)... last weekend I danced like this until the energy was flowing through me like a fire that needed no fuel other than presence, the healing in my body and mind was profound. Come dance with us on and let your flame shine bright and feel the beautiful, powerful impact this movement brings.


One week to go until Jauary's Ecstatic Awakening Dance! Join us to shake out the week and kick any new year blues away on Friday 30 January at 8pm, Our Lady Queen of Peace, 18 Douglas Road, Southbourne. Come move, breathe, feel and be free as we make our way through this proven method that gets us out of our busy heads and into our (often neglected) amazing bodies.


Check out my New Year Coaching packages, specifically designed to help you dive into 2015 with the right goals, mindset and plans to ensure you make it a year to remember. Choose from a one off booster to get you going on the right track, a snappy package to help you define and achieve a project or aim, or a life changer to transform your world and live your dreams. Find out more on the Coaching page or get in touch for your FREE CONSULTATION. I look forward to talking with you.


Years ago, Boxing Day dancing was something quite different for some, or was it? A long awaited chance to shake off all that December madness and enter into your own, maybe an all night club with a headline DJ... the aim? To dance, to laugh, to be together, to release, relax, go crazy. And that's pretty much what we did on Boxing Day too. This time, no alcohol required, just a room full of beautiful people, homemade chocolates, deep, diverse sounds and the chance to dance into ecstacy. Woohoo some life patterns are worth hanging on to :) join us on 30 January to shake off those New Year Blues in the same way!

12 & 13


VERY excited to be taking Ecstatic Dance to BESTIVAL! We'll be firing up natural joy & getting all tribal in the Commune as the hub of 2015's Summer of Love â™¥



Taking the dance to wonderful Wales for PURE JOY and combining a sacred cacao ceremony to turn up the love! 


"Thank you for a beautiful experience. You held the space really well, I felt safe, excited, relieved and so supported to be me! I love this dance and can't wait for the next one. 

February 2015

"It's amazing. I can't believe how good I felt. I'd never done anything like it before. It was easy... once I relaxed into it I had so much fun and afterwards I felt simply incredible. Everyone should do it!"

First time dancer, November 2014

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